Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year End Post

Just wanted to say "Happy New Year" to all. 2009 is going to be an interesting year for me. I feel the events that transpire this year will have a large impact on my life going forward and I am excited about that.

As far as New Year's resolutions go, I have a few that are hopefully achievable. Quitting smoking is the big one. I know it's cliche, but I've got to take a stand in this area. I have been sucking them back for about 15 years now and it's time to move on and let my body heal itself. The weed will stay of course, but the smokes gotta go.

Besides the smoking thing the only other resolution I am making on a personal "better myself" level is to really treat people in all areas of my life as I would want to be treated in any given situation. I think this is the basis for developing more solid relationships with my girl, my family, my friends & acquaintances, and my co-workers & customers.

Enough of the sappy philosophical shit. Now, as for the blog...last year I had a resolution to blog more. Didn't work out. I am hoping this time is different. I think I have set it up so that this outlet can really take on my personality and can be something others can enjoy. I do have to learn to type properly though. Ideally as fast as I think. I have a Mavis-Beacon product that has been gathering dust.

What's ahead for mrjackstrawSays? Lots I hope. Beyond the randomness that is my own thoughts typed out I am hoping to have some regular features that are fun to do and fun for readers. Some are my own ideas, some are inspired by others and some are a combo. Here's a bit of what I would like to do:

The Finger - I posted about this idea earlier and I think I can do about one of these per month (first week). This will involve me going off about someone or something based solely on my opinion from where I sit. Research will be minimal.

Feature Articles - Again I am hoping to do something on this level once per month. I want to write something that would be similar to a magazine article - with research - most likely to be sports related, but not always. It's my blog remember.

Dumps - Link dumps, picture dumps, video dumps, list dumps, etc. These may occur alone or may make up the bottom end of a post. Hopefully something that readers find funny, interesting or both.

Live Blogging - Obviously this has been done many times before. I will announce ahead of time what I plan to do and then rock it out.

Product Reviews - Opinions on stuff that happens to come my way.

Etc, etc.

Happy New Year everyone. The girl & I are heading out to see Caution Jam tonight. Take are of yourselves and don't drink & drive.

I will have a holiday trip report from San Francisco, Caution Jam NYE review, fantasy football wrap-up and more up shortly.


1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......


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