Monday, September 6, 2010

Toronto > Las Vegas

Things have been happening fast and furious lately.  I feel like I've been so busy doing stuff that I haven't had time to do any stuff.  Does that make sense?  Maybe there's just so much stuff to do?  

We are moving and it's a big one.  Toronto to Las Vegas.  This was something that was always in the works but recently got put on an accelerated schedule do to unforeseen circumstances.  Maybe it was just the kick in the butt we needed though.  

It's a leap of faith and one I am happy to take.  I'm jumping from a place of certainty and security off into the unknown.  It's scary and liberating at the same time.  I don't know how this is all going to shake out, but I do know that the results are in my hands.

I am really looking forward to getting to know the other side of my family and getting to know them beyond the level you know someone from yearly visits.  There are lots of kids which is something I don't have currently around my family here in Canada.  So that will be different and pretty cool I think.

The logistics of this whole operation are immense from my point of view.  Moving is when you are faced with the harsh reality of how much you have actually accumulated over time.  When you have to pack and lift every piece.  I like to think I at least partially fall into the Minimalist category, but now I's crazy how much our society consumes and consumes and consumes.
I will miss my family.  I will miss my friends.  I will miss Toronto.  I will miss Canada.

I have always left for new places and then left those place for other new places.  I take comfort in this because to this day I can draw straight lines from those places past to where I am today.   I have been fortunate enough to make many, many great connections and shared in many great experiences that have bonded me with others for life.  And because of this I know that will hold true going forward.  And that gives me strength.

Toronto > Las Vegas

There's going to be lots to miss here in The Big Smoke.  My family & friends most.  The city though is a pretty special place.  The nieghbourhoods and cultures.  The music and arts.  The festivals.  The markets.  The food.  The drink.  Bike lanes.  Caution Jam @ Grossman's.  The safety.  The streetcars.  And the fuckin' CN Tower baby!  

I wonder what I'll list when I leave Las Vegas?  I guess that will all depend on the experience and the path I take.  Looking at my list above it's quite apparent that most of those items are not a part of Vegas with the exception of Food & Drink.  I generally love Food & Drink everywhere and am down with whatever the local experience is.  I probably shouldn't have even put it on the list since I guess in my case it goes without saying.  Or maybe I had to say it this one time so that it will just go without saying in the future.  From this point on.

It's hard to really wrap your head around the Las Vegas experience.  It really is something different to everyone.  A fantasy land.  Everyone is always so excited to go.  My better half says that there is no happier vibe than on a flight to Las Vegas.  And none worse than on the flight home.  Ha!  

But all that assumes you're going for a quickie.  Not as a permanent move.  To live.  To shop.  To do the daily grind.  What will that be like in this Boom Town of boom towns?  A city built so fast that its own culture could not be developed.   In a city of 1.2 million people everyone knows it for The Strip.  Maybe old downtown Vegas too, but that's it.  Ponder...when someone mentions New York City, San Francisco, Boston or Toronto people who have experienced them are flooded with visions and memories of the many neighbourhoods within these cities.  Like squares on a quilt it takes more than one to make a finished product.

What am I excited about that will come with being a local?  Family and new friends first and foremost, but quite a bit beyond that actually.  Stuff that you "tourists" never seem to have time for.  Yes, you degenerate gamblers, boozers, eaters and general over indulgers.  I 'm talking to you.  Show some restraint for Christ's sake.  Take in some nature.

Some may not have noticed, but Las Vegas is surrounded by a shitload of natural beauty.  I am looking forward to this.  Red Rock Canyon.  Hiking, biking and rock climbing.  I don't currently rock climb, but maybe I will.  Frolf.  That's golf with a Frisbee.  They have a few Frolf courses scattered throughout the city and some have weekly tournaments.  If I'm going to find a fellow Deadhead this may be the place.  At the very least I'll meet people who have an interest in throwing stuff which is as good a bit of common ground to start on as any.

Frolf makes one think of golf.  There was a time when I could really play that game.  It's not cheap, but perhaps there is motivation to be found there?  Yes, I think there is.  

I have a few business ideas.  Actually we have a few.  I , we and she.  Quite a few.  It's as good a time as any to throw down on those.  When they come to be you will be the first with the info.  It's important to have support, you know?

Poker, Vegas.  Vegas, Poker.  I really enjoy playing poker in Vegas.  Is there an opportunity there.  Yes.  Is it reasonable that I should ever gaze on such a game as anything more than a hobby.  Nope.  I will play of course, but it won't be for anything more than my personal entertainment.  I have no interest in playing cards for food. None at all.  If however, over time, I am able to build my hobby into something more significant than so-be-it. 

I gotta get back to the grind.  More to pack.  More to post on Craigslist.  More to do.

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